Mod-Mood Quilt 1 ~ Get Your Chart On

Thanks for joining me on the Modern Mood Quilt Craft-along as we explore and manifest our summertime emotions. Let's go!

Step 1: Create YOUR mood color chart

A: Organize your fabulous collection of fabrics by color. You don’t have to limit your chart to only solid or hand-dyed fabrics. Prints, batiks, plaids are all welcome. Just sort them according to their dominant color. You don’t have to make a color wheel out of them but you can if you want!

B: Get centered {stay tuned for a future post on mind-tools for being creatively present}and be present to the associations and feelings that arise in response to each color group. Let your eyes feast and your heart open. Immerse yourself in the hues of emotion and memory. Does blue make you sad? relaxed? intuitive? Why? Take some time to write about your discoveries.

Color perception & associations

Color perception and our reactions to color are subjective. They are shaped through our personal experience as well as our cultural environment. Below is a list of colors and some of the emotional mind states associated with them. Notice how colors can have both positive and negative associations. You can use the list below as a starting point, but as you tap into your subjective experience of color create a mood-color chart specific to your internal responses.

  • BLACK: tense, nervous, harassed, over-worked, emptiness, void, mystery, allure, fascination, independent, strength

  • GREY: anxieties, nervous, strained, depressed, forbearance, perseverance, patience, reflection

  • AMBER-GOLD: nervous, mixed emotions, unsettled, warm, rich

  • LIME GREEN: excited, anticipation, new growth, perceptive, motivated,

  • GREEN: average reading, active, not under great stress, growth, abundance, prosperity, gratitude, hope, satisfaction, contentment, fertile, envy, greed, jealous, heart chakra

  • BLUE-GREEN: charged but relaxed, calm, dynamic, refreshed, tranquil, patience, cool, motivated, fussy, egocentric

  • BLUE: relaxed, at ease, calm, lovable, sincerity, peace, tranquility, faith, trust, truthful, sad, arrogant, throat chakra

  • DARK-BLUE: very happy, love, romance, dignity, integrity, intuition, knowledge, fantasy, wishful thinking, third eye chakra

  • WHITE: frustrated, cold, confused, bored, vacant, bare, peace, innocence, purity, open, faith

  • BROWN: earth, comforting, nurturing, stable, grounded, cozy, secure, elegant, fertile, humble

  • BRONZE: jitters, anticipation, restless thoughts,

  • YELLOW: imaginative, wondering, ok feeling, optimism, understanding, cheerful, motivated, curious, self-assured, productive, solar chakra

  • ORANGE: stimulating, ideas, creativity, daring, wants, joy, enthusiasm, sexuality, busy, bright, cheerful, naval chakra

  • RED: excited, energized, adventurous, ready to go, passion, courage, power, will, desire, anger, root chakra

  • PINK: fear, uncertain, love, affection, harmony, gentleness

  • PURPLE: sensual, clarity, purpose is known, wisdom, spirituality, passion, meditative, awareness, crown chakra

In Step 2 we will identify our emotional mix for the day and choose the colors that match our mood.

How do you respond to and use color in your work and life? What did you learn about your responses to color after making your color-mood chart? Share your surprises, satisfactions, dissatisfactions, and discoveries! Post your chart at the Mod-Mood Quilt Flickr pool.


The Modern Quilt: Revolution vs Evolution


Dream vs Blog