homey things

There isn't much on my studio wall right now. I've been preoccupied with homey things like cooking and gardening. It's a blessing to have the time and place to nest.  Being a self-employed artist I usually feel guilty when I'm not creating the Work, or doing something related to the Work... especially when there is so much Work to be done... but there is always so much Work to be done.I am constantly fighting off the internal message "you're procrastinating", but today I'm going to celebrate and give thanks for the time spent making Salted Pumpkin Caramels...

for the time spent planting and nurturing a flower garden...

for the time spent knitting a sweater while listening to an audio recording of Oliver Twist.

May your weekend be filled with homey things!


Is Improv Quilting for Beginners?


YOSS2011 MAY 10/24