ruler-free patchwork at the alameda free library


Teens and adults ~ Join me on July 16, 2:00-3:30 at the Alameda Free Library for Improvise! A Ruler-Free Patchwork Performance/Demo.Basic strip, bias strip, wedge, curve, stack, float, repetition, flow, bleeding, darting, natural fit, approximate measuring, trouble shooting, and composition tips, tricks and techniques for ruler-free patchwork will be demonstrated and performed on the spot according to suggestions received from the audience. Itโ€™s an Improv Patchwork Theater Mashup with techniques, design tips, and mind tools featured in The Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters. Attendees are invited (optional) to bring up to a 1/4 yd of fabric scraps for use in the patchwork performance. There will be a book signing following the performance.RSVP by July 10 to Jill Russell, or call 510-747-7713Contact the Alameda Free Library for details.


making do / unexpected juxtopositions


quiltcon 2017 workshops